OWOH Resident Application

As a ministry of On Wings Like A Dove, Inc. (OWLAD), the On Wings of Hope Initiative (OWOH) exists to create a transitional housing program for released prison inmates that provides a Christian-focused environment for a one-year period.

On Wings of Hope enables qualified residential participants to gain life skills, employment opportunity, confidence, and a new sense of what it means to be a good citizen in a healthy community. Mentors are provided who are committed to walk with the residents through every phase of their transition.

Please Consider
Please carefully consider the Guidelines and Requirements listed below to understand more fully what is required for you to be considered as a Resident of the On Wings of Hope Initiative.
                  Important: The number of persons to be served by this program is limited.

Guidelines & Requirements to consider before completing the Application:

  1. Must have the ability and desire to hold a full-time job with job training
  2. Must accept a provided accountability Mentor(s) for a one-year period
  3. Must be clean from any illegal drug usage and sober (not an official recovery program) but we encourage any recovery ministry involvement
  4. Willingness to participate in On Wings Like A Dove bible studies & ministry services and hear the good news of the Gospel in all areas of the program interaction
  5. Willingness to participate and adhere to a 12-month budget and weaning from financial support in months 7-12 & adhere to a savings plan to be monitored by Mentor
  6. Applicants with current medical conditions must follow their doctor’s medicine prescription
  7. Applicants will not be given housing support IF you have another option and opportunity to have a safe home environment to return to
  8. Must have desire to return as a productive member of society
  9. Applies to both Men and Women
  10. Release date must be within 6 months of application
  11. Must release medical records to program if asked by the program
  12. Must have been incarcerated for at least a 12-month period
  13. Must allow and give permission for parole officer to speak to Mentor(s) regarding your case

How to Apply
To print a hard copy of the Application so that you can fill it in by hand and mail it in, click on the OWOH Application – Printable PDF Version button below to download and print the Application. When you have filled out the Application, including your signature, please mail your completed Application to:  OWOH Applications, 455 South Church Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101.