God’s Healing Touch

By: Sylvia Gunter Listen to God’s word for you in Isaiah 42:3. “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice.” And in Psalm 147:3. “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Come to the promises of God for […]

Thank You

Recently, I received a mug in the mail from an inmate who I have been writing for several years. I’ve seen remarkable progress in his walk with our Lord since we have been writing. Along with the mug was the following note: “My Dear Friend, you simply can’t imagine what a gift from God it’s […]

Spring Retreat

((Be sure to watch our video at the bottom of the navigation bar)) Come to Me, all those laboring and being burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28.  Our Retreats are designed to pull you aside from your difficult circumstances to a place on the mountain to find rest for your weary soul. […]

Full Circle

Don’t you just love it when God prepares a special favor for you! That’s what happened for me during my very special gal friends getaway this past weekend. We got away for some much needed time together and with the Lord. We went for a walk on Saturday morning and were discussing our plans for […]

Answered Prayer!

Answered Prayer! Our prayer partners have been praying for Jesse’s upcoming presentation before the parole board. He had served 7 years of his sentence and done well with his education for a future employment in welding and had taken the time to better himself in other ways. I felt the 7 years was significant as […]

To What Are You Addicted?

Definition of Addict: “To apply or devote oneself persistently or habitually; to cause to pursue or practice continuously; one who is addicted to some habit, especially to the use of narcotic drugs. Accustomed; inclined to the pursuit, practice, or taking of anything. One is addicted to that which he has allowed to gain a strong […]

“Mighty to Save”

Isaiah 63:1 By the words “to save” we understand the whole of the great work of salvation, from the first holy desire onward to complete sanctification. The words are multum in parro: indeed, here is all mercy in one word. Christ is not only “mighty to save” those who repent, but he is able to […]